Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Criticized for Your Customer Service? Turn Adversity Into a Business Opportunity by guest blogger Matthew Park

Redefining Engagement to When, Where, & How Your Consumer Chooses

At a restaurant, the couple next to me wasn’t happy with the meal served. The lady took out her phone and started posting on a social media site ... Familiar?

This era is of the social customer … unafraid to use her voice. She understands the relative shifting of influence, and the vulnerability of Big Business. The social medium is instant and responsive, and positions businesses willy-nilly in places where potential customers already exist.

For businesses that incorporate social media as part of their omni-channel CRM programs, keeping up with social conversations is a two-fold process: You need a social CRM strategy, including relevant technologies, to ensure your social engagement with the customer. Second, you need a social customer service strategy that integrates your contact center and marketing or corporate communications department to not only address customer complaints, but do so holistically aligned with your brand experience objectives.

Also, if your social customer service strategy does not aim at integration of the social sphere with problem resolution, it’s bound to fail. A precise social customer service “solution” would pick up the initial social thread and seamlessly convert i t into a one-on-one interaction, for example with a Listen-Engage-Analyze-Resolve approach (as we do at Minacs) for a successful customer experience outcome.

Listen in to Social Conversation!
After the diner had posted her comment, an executive at the restaurant chain’s corporate office “heard” of it and wanted the unit manager to take care of it immediately.

In the social space, the customer expresses disappointment, or happiness, on social media. Apart from lost revenues, ignoring social chatter can result in negative social sentiment that influences other customers, prospects, and the public! But how do you keep up with these conversations? And where does your contact center come into play?

Social media centers listen into conversations about your firm, products, brands, competitors, or even special interest areas for you across social networks, like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and even blogs. Social complaints are categorized and prioritized for action and resolution.

Analyze the Issue With Social Tools! 
With the diner’s complaint now in the public domain, the restaurant’s management, after tracking her comment, understood the negative impact it would have on their business.

Businesses that evaluate social customer care experiences are three times more likely to retain their customers. This requires an analytics component to your implementation, and you need to configure it to filter and categorize the social mentions to recognize sentiment and trends. Tag the opportunities found upon analysis of mentions. They provide you with deep insights into customer behavior and allow you to adopt escalation procedures when issues need immediate attention.

Understanding customer aspirations and their business impact help you to draft an approach that identifies and predicts the types of customer behavior and their “unintended outcomes.” Social listening and sentiment analysis tools can be used to analyze the data being generated through customers’ and influencers’ social interactions.

Customer Engagement Is the Key!
Within 20 minutes, the manager was at the diner’s table, apologizing for the issue even after the waiter had apologized.

Though technology drives customer service, human and organizational factors must be evaluated. They still play an important role in engaging customers, where the key is to engage with customers in their channel of choice. Your strategy needs to move customers from generic, many-to-many social conversations to one-on-one, personalized engagements to solve problems quickly.

Social advisors need to engage customers by responding to their posts. If that requires escalation or multi-department facilitation, businesses should route communications and coordinate resolution with appropriate departments. Based on need, the social analysts or advisors in the social command center (listening and analyzing post) will transfer a case over to advisors in the contact center to facilitate such resolution.

Resolution Achieves Customer Satisfaction!
The manager removed the meal from the bill, comped the couple’s meals, and gave them a gift certificate for another visit. Generously, the diner agreed to take her negative post off social media. She probably narrated the restaurant’s response as well!

By paying attention to conversations in the social space, you resolve issues early. Apart from reducing costs associated with repeat contacts, timely resolution ensures sustained excellence in customer experience. A 360-degree, omni-channel strategy combines social strategy, technology, analytics, execution, and people into a 24x7 customer service operation.

An integrated social-to-contact-center solution means we take such conversations off social channels to provide the appropriate level of attention and problem-solving customer service to drive resolution. Contact centers need omni-channel engagement capabilities that provide the scale to open one-on-one communication channels with customers. But they should also be able to provide the required customer care, requiring seamless cross—departmental workflow automation and the ability to respond to socially-posted complaints.

You’ve Crafted the Science … Now Hone the Art!
CRM systems in contacts centers play an important role in delivering social customer service. Social CRM must be one component of your overall social customer service strategy. The CRM solution should utilize analytics information integrated to provide business intelligence solutions. Quite simply, “look out” to listen, “understand” to analyze, “decide” to engage, and “address” to resolve!

For an effective social customer service solution, you need to ask: Do we have well-trained, dedicated experts for our contact center program who can monitor social exposure daily and meet customer needs? Does our solution apply First Contact Resolution principles to resolve customer issues early to help reduce costs, not to mention the long-term and lasting impact to reputation? Does the solution monitor our social accounts and brand mentions across the world?

After all, 140 characters is all it takes to make, or mar, a reputation!

Matthew Park, Manager, Solutions at Minacs

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Supplier Risk Management - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by guest bloggers Dan Kinsella & Ajay Bolina

As clients continue to evolve their vendor relationships from broad based sole sourcing into integrated service portfolios and as vendors continue to evolve their service solutions to more technology dependent offerings, e.g. Cloud, Digital, we expect the level of complexity and the risk profile of these interdependent relationships to increase.  In the early stages of outsourcing it was quite common for an organization to be governing and managing a single vendor for each of their functional sourcing needs, with a limited Vendor Management Organization (VMO).  While this may have been convenient at the time, clients today are looking for more focused and specialized vendors who are able to effectively integrate into the Global Business Services portfolio. 

During the 90’s into the 00’s it was much more common for clients to have a sole source provider who provides all IT services, another who provides Finance and Accounting, and depending on the level of maturity there could be a whole host of other providers delivering services for functions like Procurement, Facilities Management, Printing, Asset Management, Human Resources, etc.

Today, however, focus is shifting from delivering single function services to delivering a range of services from a targeted mix of internal and external suppliers, while also asking some suppliers to work more collaboratively with each other for joint solutions.  This increases complexity in the ecosystem, including  Business Units, control functions such as information security and business continuity functions, tax, legal, sourcing, external vendors, captive delivery centers (near shore, onshore, global), and centers of excellence. 

Increased complexity requires deeper and sophisticated risk management policies and procedures, especially as regulators continue to issue more stringent guidance and scrutiny over Supplier Risk Management (SRM).  To date, clients have not been able to respond with effective and efficient SRM programs.
Key questions a VMO should be able to answer regarding the SRM program include:
  • Do you know who all your critical suppliers are?
  • Are you assigning the highest level of risk monitoring and due diligence to your riskiest and most critical suppliers?
  • Have you reviewed and approved the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery programs for your critical suppliers?
  • Do you have controls in place to manage and approve the use of subcontractors by your suppliers?
  • Do you know which suppliers have access to your data, including client data, and what types of data?
  • What controls do you have in place to manage access?
  • What information regarding SRM is provided to the risk committee?
  • Have you evaluated whether your suppliers are Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliant?  
If you do not have clear answers to these questions, and a broad SRM program in place, you may be exposed to risks which you may not have considered when you executed your supplier contract, and may remain unmitigated.

To gain a better perspective, we looked at the results of the 2014 Deloitte Global Outsourcing and Insourcing Survey, to try and understand how clients are thinking about Vendor Management, particularly as it pertains to supplier awareness (a sub-function of SRM).

The Good
Approximately 75% of respondents indicated they have a VMO[1]

At first glance you may think, well 75% is not great, and while there is still some room to improve, the fact that nearly ¾ of those surveyed in the market indicated they have a VMO is quite impressive.  This is a great place to start when trying to better understand the vendor landscape and to evaluate the true risks to your enterprise which may be hidden or sheltered as a result of your supplier agreements.  If the information is not available today, a well-run vendor management organization or procurement office should be able to access that information.

The Bad
Only 40% of respondents indicated that they are satisfied with their supplier risk management program and adequacy of third party compliance and controls

While this is not ugly it certainly does not appear to be good.  With over 60% of respondents communicating neutrality or dissatisfaction with their SRM capabilities, regulators will be equally concerned and are likely to take remediation action.

The Ugly
Only 20% of respondents indicated that they are above average in terms of their SRM & Third party Compliance program

This result is the most disappointing across all of the major VMO functions surveyed.  Given the potential scale of service disruption and brand and reputational risk we expected this percentage to be significantly higher.  In fact, only one VMO function scored lower: Document Management

Getting Started
Like all things, the best place to start when it comes to SRM is to first “Acknowledge the Gap” between the actual vendor risk and perceived vendor risk.  The next area to focus should be “Building Awareness”.  Select a few major vendors and dig deeper into the dynamics of the relationship.  Insolvency and bankruptcy risk is always an issue for niche vendors, however, the larger more strategic relationships should be reviewed to understand concentration risk and data risks which may be passed through to the client.  Finally, clients must leverage this information for “Taking Action”.

Critically important, when building a SRM capability, is to include stakeholders from the beginning.  Managing supplier risk must not be seen as an imposition, but rather as a value to the business.  However, it is too frequently built in isolation and enforced upon businesses.  If the program is not hyper-efficient, businesses will focus on the inconvenience of process, and not the risks that the process is intending to mitigate.

In summary, knowing your critical suppliers is an essential element of any SRM program - “trust but verify” is the key.  Do not rely exclusively on contract provisions and consider measuring and monitoring compliance.  And remember, without the necessary controls, stakeholders may be left to their own devices.
For additional information on Supplier Risk Management, please visit GBS Deloitte.

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Dan Kinsella is a Partner at Deloitte & Touche LLP
Ajay Bolina, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP

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[1] Deloitte’s 2014 Global Outsourcing and Insourcing Survey: 2014 and Beyond, December 2014